A tricycle by definition, has three wheels. Three wheels on a tricycle are necessary. When it comes to relationships, however, being the third wheel typically has a negative connotation. Personally, unless the original couple is uncomfortable, I don't mind being a third wheel. I will have fun where ever and whenever I can. My neighbor Shelly and I have been friends for some months now. She's recently hooked up with this great guy, Tim. Although her attraction to him was pretty strong, she resisted going out with him for various "practical" reasons. It's funny how people get things in their heads and won't let go of them. I guess that's how we protect ourselves from getting hurt. But she relented and went out with him. They are fabulous together! They make one another so happy. Tonight they're celebrating their two month anniversary. When they're not celebrating something, like the anniversary of when they met or when they first had sex, I'm their third wheel. Tim and I are kindred spirits of sorts. We're both a couple of sick puppies. The three of us are good together too. We laugh, drink and break bread together. (I drank all of his McClelland's yesterday. I'm so ashamed.) This summer when it's not raining, which is pretty often since hurricane season began, we go to the pool together. I so enjoy my time spent with them and I know that they enjoy my company too. If I make a joke about being the third wheel, Tim just says no, we're just a tricycle. Who knows, maybe someday I'll meet someone fun and we can become a four wheeler!