Friday, October 06, 2006

Dumb Asses

I just returned from my local gourmet market. I'm having a guest this evening and needed to get some refreshments. My shopping experience was wonderful. Colorful vegetables, fresh breads, the smell of fresh brewed coffee and classical music playing in the background. As I was leaving the store, I noticed, not that you could help it, a large Volvo SUV attempting to park in the area in front of the store right in front of the door. There were no white lines indicating that it was a parking spot. Anyone with a lick of sense could see that it was designated as sidewalk to allow people to enter and exit the store. Hmm. Not after she was finished. She wedged it in so that she could get out the driver's side, but her fender was mere inches from the pumpkin display on the outside. When she got out, she inspected her parking finesse by walking around the vehicle to see if anyone would smack her passenger side door. When she was satisfied that it was alright, which it WASN'T, she went into the store. The SUV was crooked and the back end was sticking out in the drive. I was mesmerized by this display of obvious stupidity, and couldn't take my eyes off the spectacle. On the rear bumper was a "Vote Democratic!" sticker. Dumb ass. I left the lot still fuming over the arrogance of someone that felt they were too good to walk an extra 30 feet to get into a legitimate parking spot. So I turned my vehicle around and wrote a note. "The way you just parked this vehicle is evidence that no one should ever vote Democratic!" I went back to the store lot and put the note under her windshield wiper. I know that my act was childish. I believe strongly in kharma. I'll get mine some other time. But I can't help but feel just a bit vindicated. The Parking Lot Avenger strikes again!


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